“They should be running them out of town…”
Craig Thomas Books is a co-owner of Mama Bear’s Brews and is one of the most active members of Safer Boulder.
Craig’s rhetoric about people experiencing homelessness is noticeably violent and morbid.
On September 19th, 2020, Craig joked about homeless people being attacked by “Bears or Mountain Lions”

On August 20th, 2020, Craig, Todd, Flatiron Views, and Katharine Hauge brainstormed methods of physically attacking a homeless encampment downtown, from shooting them with rubber bullets, to starving them, to using a torture technique employed at Guantanamo Bay.
On September 19th, 2020, Craig took a photo of someone sleeping on a corner and complained about having to see them. Todd Root chimes in to say it might be worth calling 911 to do a welfare check, but he wouldn’t bother.
Craig goes on to say that while a few years ago he would have cared about this person’s wellbeing, all he can do now is restrain himself from honking at a person that he believes may be in danger.
Craig also seems to think all homeless people should be kicked out of town or thrown in jail.
When speaking about imprisoning people experiencing homelessness, Craig sometimes adds the caveat that this treatment should be reserved for the “thieves” while also suspecting most people experiencing homelessness of being thieves.
Craig Book’s consistently violent rhetoric towards people experiencing homelessness makes him an active threat to the poor and those he may believe are poor.